Building Homes Together
WoningBouwersNL represents Dutch companies engaged in housing construction and area development across the board. As influential players in the industry, member companies of WoningBouwersNL contribute to approximately 80% of new construction houses in the Netherlands. With a rich history dating back to 1932, WoningBouwersNL celebrated its remarkable 90th anniversary in 2022. To commemorate this milestone, PopUp City and Studio& were entrusted with the creation of a special book. Opting for a graphically playful translation of building, we began with the grid of lines inspired by the construction of scaffolding. This grid is embossed on the cover, and the interplay of lines is reflected in the graphic elements on the pages. The visual identity of WoningBouwersNL comprises three colors: orange, blue, and black. To add a festive touch, we replaced the orange with Pantone fluorescent orange. The endpapers feature old advertisements from the archive, matching the rest of the design in fluorescent orange and serving as a striking introduction and conclusion to the book. Rich content was curated with insights from leading experts across various sectors, including landscape architect and West 8 founder Adriaan Geuze, chief economist of Statistics Netherlands Peter Hein van Mulligen, agricultural economist Petra Berkhout, sociologist Jolanda Maas, biodiversity specialist and TV gardener Lodewijk Hoekstra, and sustainable entrepreneur and Dutch national energy commissioner Ruud Koornstra.
Art direction, Editorial design, Print, Book design, Typography
Client: WoningBouwersNL
Concept & Content: Pop-Up City

Minister for Housing and Spatial Planning Hugo de Jonge received the first copy of the book from the hands of WoningBouwersNL director Coen van Rooyen.

‘This project for WoningBouwersNL was the second time I had the opportunity to work with Studio&. The challenge was to create a contemporary book that stayed true to the existing visual identity of WoningBouwersNL. Studio& succeeded very well in this. I look back on a pleasant work process that resulted in a book that all involved are proud of.’
Jeroen Beekmans, managing partner at Pop Up City

Photographer Peter Bak was commissioned to create iconic portraits accompanied by interviews with select members.